GmVault is a small utility to backup all or parts of a given GMail mailbox. It generates a set of directories organized by date (YYYY-MM/*). Each folder has two files per mail, one .eml containing the actual mail (headers and body) and a .meta containing all GMail metadata (id of the mail, date sent, subject, thread ID for a given conversation and so on).
This gem is composed of a library (GMail::Utils) and the corresponding script to transform that backup into a proper Maildir-formatted mailbox. The script takes a tag as main argument and will take only mails matching the given tag.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'gmail-utils'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install gmail-utils
tag2maildir [-h] [-b DIR] -t TAG DIR
-t TAG Use the following tag +TAG+ to filter the mails
-b DIR Use the given directory as base dir to create the mailbox (defaults to +~/Maildir+)
DIR Use the following path to the gmvault directory
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